The Board of directors (“the Board”) is the core of Centum’s system of
corporate governance and is ultimately accountable and responsible for
the performance and affairs of Centum.
The Board specifically exercises leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgement in directing Centum so as to achieve continuing prosperity for its shareholders. The Board shall at all times act in the best interests of Centum in a manner based on transparency, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
The Board specifically exercises leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgement in directing Centum so as to achieve continuing prosperity for its shareholders. The Board shall at all times act in the best interests of Centum in a manner based on transparency, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
The Board has delegated certain functions to committees with approved formal terms of reference which are reviewed yearly without abdicating its ultimate responsibility. The terms of reference clearly identify matters reserved for the Board and Committees for decisions. The membership and Chairmanship of these Committees is regularly reviewed by the Board who are responsible for filling any vacancies. The Board is cognizant that members collectively have sufficient qualifications and experience to fulfill the duties of the respective Committee. The elected Chairman appraises the full Board of their activities on a quarterly basis through oral and/or written reports. The Chairman of the committees participates in setting and agreeing the Agenda for meetings.
The Audit Committee consists of five non-executive directors, the majority of whom qualify are independent non-executive directors. The Chief Executive, the Chief Finance Officer, the Head of Internal Audit and the lead audit partner in charge of the internal and external audit are in attendance at meetings.
The Chairperson of the Audit Committee is an independent Non-Executive Director.
The role of the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the financial reporting process, the system of internal control, the audit process, and the Company's process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations.
The primary responsibilities of this Committee are to;
The Risk Committee consists of five non-executive directors, the majority of whom qualify are independent non-executive directors. The Chief Executive Office, the Head of Risk, the Head of Tax and the Company Secretary in attendance.
The Chairperson of the Risk Committee is an independent Non-Executive Director.
The role of the Risk is to assist the Board in discharging its duties relating to corporate accountability and associated risks in terms of management, assurance and reporting for the Company and major subsidiary undertakings that do not have individual risk committees.
The primary responsibilities of this Committee are to;
The Nomination and Governance Committee (NGC) consists of five directors who are all non-executive directors.
The role of the NGC is to develop and implement policies with respect to both the strategic priorities of the Board and human resources on matters of governance.
The primary responsibilities of this Committee are to;
The Finance and Investment Committee (FIC) is made up of seven directors and includes the executive director in addition to non-executive directors.
The key role of the Finance and Investment Committee is to provide leadership in the Group’s financial and investment activities overseeing the achievement of attractive returns on the investments.